T-Shirt Ruffle Skirt

Two of my favorite t-shirts from the Gap just weren't working for me anymore (regardless of the growing belly), so when I came across this tutorial online, I just had to give it a try! The most time consuming part was making the ruffles, but I pushed on and was able to finish this for Eleanor Friday night. I absolutely love it! Take a look at how adorable she is in it:




(You can tell she isn't used to wearing skirts very often)


This is her 'say cheese' smile

And I have enough material to make another skirt in the opposite colors. I am completely in love with ruffles now. Disney of Ruffles and Stuff has an awesome Ruffle Your Stuff Contest going on right now and ideas are already swirling through my head--I just might have to give it a try--but I do need to make sure I'm still working on Liam's quilt for next month too!!

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